When Words Are Not Enough

Mobile Application Bringing Haptic Perception to Passive Digital Connections During Times of Isolation


Animated Image of the HUGs application's home page to give viewers an understanding of the application's purpose.

I recently became aware of your app and the background of its creation through a mutual connection.
There is no doubt that you already understand the intrinsic value of this app and its message, but I wanted to reach out to thank you for creating it and to let you know how it has been useful in my practice.
I work as a paralegal in guardianship and estate administration and have several clients who face challenges mentally and physically, which have only been exacerbated by this pandemic. This app has allowed them to be expressive in a way that transcends the message of an emoji. The fact that there is some energy involved in both sending and receiving the hug is, perhaps by design but nonetheless, priceless. It is my belief that the transfer of that energy can actually be felt.
Often we fail to acknowledge the small things that make a difference in our work and personal lives, and I did not want this opportunity to pass.
Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or comments. But again, thanks for the HUGS!

Visit hugs.care for details.

-Email from App User